Insurance — Condominiums — Appraisal — Insurer complied with post-loss obligation to adjust claim within ninety days of receipt of the claim by making an advance payment within that time period — Insurer engaged in a meaningful exchange of information regarding its calculation of the claim amount where adjusters and consultants for both parties met for inspections and exchanged claim related documentation — Impartial appraiser — Insurer’s chosen appraiser did not breach policy language requiring parties to select an impartial appraiser despite insured’s appraiser being an employee of building consultant hired by insurer and the boss of another employee involved in actually considering the insured’s claim — An appraiser’s direct or indirect financial interest in the outcome of appraisal including any arrangement for a contingent fee requires disclosure as provided by the Code of Ethics for Arbitrators in Commercial Disputes rather than disqualification of appraiser — No error in declining to allow extensive discovery through depositions as a precondition to the appraisal process where trial court had ample evidence that the parties disagreed regarding claim amount, meaningful information had been exchanged regarding the parties’ positions, and appraisal process will incentivize the parties to share information supporting computation of labor costs and materials required to compensate the insured in accordance with the policy