Torts — School boards — Negligent hiring, supervision, or retention of football coach — It appears that circuit court utilized erroneous legal standard when it granted school board’s motion for new trial based on allegedly improper comments or conduct during plaintiff’s counsel’s closing rebuttal argument — Effect of plaintiff’s actions and counsel’s arguments should have been examined within framework established by Florida Supreme Court in Murphy v. International Robotic Sys., Inc., which required trial court to determine whether comments and conduct were improper, whether they caused harm of such nature that it reached into validity of trial itself to extent that verdict reached could not have been obtained but for comments and conduct, whether harm was incurable, and whether comments and conduct so damaged fairness of trial that public’s interest in system of justice required new trial — Trial court’s observations that motion was a “close call” and could have been decided by a “coin flip” indicate that trial court would not have found that plaintiff’s actions during lawyer’s closing rebuttal met high thresholds of three of Murphy elements — Remand with direction to reinstate verdict